SEO Techniques You Can Do Right Now to Improve Rankings


Did you know .. more than 50% of the popular SEO techniques that are about 2-3 years ago are now categorized as spam?

Blog comments, guest book, article directory, blog network, pyramid, link wheel, "Web 2.0", and many more.

All this is spam.

If you are still using the above techniques to improve the ranking, stop. While you do not get a penalty, but will soon.

Your website is too precious to be tampered with in ways that.

People who already believe in spam techniques will be pessimistic when asked to talk about the White Hat. He said too slow, difficult, and a waste of time.

They are wrong.

Therefore, in this guide, I will introduce white hat SEO techniques proactive safe. Not only that, the following techniques when applied properly will give outstanding results.

And more importantly, you can all start today.

White hat SEO techniques proactive

I want to emphasize the word 'proactive' here.

There are still much misguided about white hat SEO and content marketing. Both are not just on-page optimization and creating content.

So the work of a white hat SEO practitioners not just write and write-publish-publish. If it was just like this do not be surprised if your website has never succeeded.
Instead, this is what we will do.
1. Finding the chances of getting backlinks

Link still is one of the most important factors in SEO.

But backlink is like a double-edged sword.

Techniques to get backlinks by spamming (as written in the beginning was) it would pose a big risk.

By realizing this, the good links are links that we get the permission and knowledge of the owner of the website.

There is a way to find these opportunities.
1a. A collection of pages blog / article

Ever seen the article in the blog titled as "5 best fashion blogs in Indonesia", or "10 best articles on productivity"?

If your website according to the topic of the article, you can contact the website owner and ask to add your website to the list.

The chances of success are quite high, so you get the benefits of this technique is very large.

Here are the steps:

Do a search on Google such images.

Search query travel bloggers

There is no standard formula for this search. Use creativity to find an article in the form of a collection.

Some other examples of search queries that you can try:

    "_ [Category] blogger Indonesia"
    "[Category] Indonesian bloggers best [last year]"
    "Blog to learn [category]"

Afterward, browse several pages of search results, and collect the appropriate criteria.

From some queries, this is what I found in less than 10 minutes:

Results of travel bloggers

After finding his chances, this is what you do:

    Find the contact page or social media accounts, almost all websites have a contact to call.
    Contact. Tell that you also have a website / article on the same topic, then ask to put your link. Do it politely.
    Repeat for each website you found and wait for a reply.

1b. Broken link building

Broken link building is still a technique to get backlinks ethically the most popular.

Stages like this:

    Discover the broken external links from other websites
    Create content website content better than dead (if you do not already have one)
    Contact the owner of the website, give them the address of your link as a replacement for a dead link

This technique is preferred because it has a high success rate.

The website owner will also be grateful that we provide even higher quality replacements.
BONUS: Click here to learn more broken link building, ranging from how to find a broken link to an email template that you can use. And 2 other link building techniques.
1c. Reverse image search

Which is also an effective technique to get backlinks, especially if we have the original image.

With Google Image Search, you can upload your drawings then find other websites that put your images without the link.
Reverse image search Chrome

It would appear that websites using your images.

As an alternative, you can also use TinEye. Sometimes the website is more complete than Google Image Search.
1d. Mention without link

This technique is more appropriate if you are a brand owner, business name, or startup.

Sometimes no news sites or blogs that mention the brand name / business / startup us but without any form of active links.

Well, from here we can contact the owner of the website to make it as active links.

To find a website that mentions our website, use one or all four of this tool:

     Fresh Web Explorer
     Google Alerts
     Mention (pay)

Google Alerts and TalkWalker similar. Both produce more news sites.

The following example uses Fresh Web Explorer uses the name of one startup Indonesia, bukalapak.

artup Indonesia,
Bukalapak mentions

The above query will produce sites that mention the word "bukalapak" apart from their own website that is

The result is like this:
Hasil bukalapak mentions
Fresh Web Explorer, you can see up to 4 weeks to the rear. You can also get a notification via email whenever there is a new mention.
2. Analysis of the website with the Screaming Frog SEO Spider

SEO Spider is a software from Screaming Frog whose function is to roam our website (crawling) and collect his data to be analyzed.

If you are serious about SEO and not using this tool, immediate download.

The free version of this tool can crawl 500 pages, if you want more please buy directly.

There are more than 55 functions this tool, you can read it all here.

This time we will discuss some basic functions.

After installing enter your domain address and wait for it to finish.

Scan domain
First, we can do is check the meta description on each page ..

Meta description

Add empty. Meta description is one of the factors on-page SEO, because it's good to have all the content of this tag.

Second, check if there are any dead links.

Memeriksa 404
Immediately replace dead links so as not to cause a nuisance to your website visitors.

Third, examine the internal structure of the website with a link.

Pages that get many inlinks is a page that is considered important by search engines. Therefore make sure every major content you get a lot of links.

Fourth, content search the contents shallow ..
Word Count
The less his word count of the content is usually superficial contents.

The third and fourth points will be explained further in the discussion below.

Do not forget to check the link was to determine the overall functioning of the Screaming Frog SEO Spider.
3. Fix the internal structure of the link

We already know that external link (backlink) is a powerful ranking factor. But we often underestimate internal links.

In fact, the internal link is a very influential factor as well as the search engines to read the level of importance of each page of the website of a number of internal links.

As this forms the structure of a good website ...
Struktur Website
Websites that structure, both have several main page, in addition to the homepage. In the main pages contains the entire content of your website visitors should be read as the value / benefits of the most high.
So any relevant supporting content linking to your main content.
If you do not have, quickly create and manage structure.
If you already have, see how many internal links that exist through the Screaming Frog in the previous step.
Learn how to build the structure of the website is to optimize the structure of your home page.4. Increase the contents of a long article
One factor that makes the content so quality is its weight.
The more weight our article, the article is more likely to be popular. The reason is, because it is complete and of course humans prefer the complete contents content.
There is a correlation between the weight of the article to its length. The more weighty article, the longer its contents.
Panjang artikel
serpIQ to analyze the relationship between the position in Google search results with a long article.

It turns out the higher the ranking, the longer the article anyway. The first rank has an average length of more than 2450 words.

This is due to incomplete information on the length of the article so that readers become more satisfied.

But remember, the length is not always weighted.

The article weighs always long, but long articles do not necessarily weight. It could be it's just lip service.

Then the article where we upgrade?

The first indication, can be seen from the analysis Screaming Frog earlier. Select the article that is too short compared to the others.

Second, look based on data from Google Analytics.

Analytics, site content

Go to the menu Behavior> Site Content> All Pages.

Prioritizing which Pageviews her a lot but Avg. Time on Page is low, high Bounce Rate and% Exit high.
To upgrade old content, do this:

Compare with content from other websites in the same topic
Expand and deepen his study, exceeded other content
Add pictures for each core need further explanation
Read guides KTP method to create the best content
5. Fix the title of the old content
By having a good title, it means your item has been 50% successful.
In terms of SEO, the use of a good title would be able to increase your page rank.
The above statement can be seen from two sides:

Human interest with title
The existence of keywords in the title
For the second point, the key word in the title will make Google's assume that we are content in accordance with what is sought by the user.
Because of the presence of keywords in the titles will increase your rankings.
The title is one of the factors on-page SEO is paramount.
I want to emphasize on the first point.
Rand Fishkin of Moz doing research the influence of the number of clicks on search pages for their content rankings rise.
The result is something like this.

If your page is ranked below but get more clicks than on it, then chances are you will overtake them.

So in conclusion, make the title appealing to humans so that they are lured to click on your own page.

Please read the guidelines writing this title to make a good title.
6. Find the topics and keywords hidden

What are your favorite tools to find keywords? Google Keyword Planner?

If so, then you're missing a huge potential.

GKP is not designed to dig keywords, so the results do not vary.

There are two places to find hidden keywords. In the website, and outside websites.

To find hidden keywords in the website, open your Google Webmasters Tool. Go to the following menu:

Search queries GWT
Search queries GWT
Sort by number of impressions, then find keywords that you feel was never targeted before.

Keyword GWT
Like the example above, whereas before I never create content that addresses these two keywords. But getting the impression that quite a lot.
So from there I can make an article that deliberately target both these topics.
(that's why I created this article)
The second place is from the outside website, precisely in community sites.
Unfortunately the community site in Indonesia is currently no quality discussion.
So I will use the example of the international community. No problem, though your website in Indonesian language there is no harm in using international site for inspiration.
Suppose I possessed a site about a job interview.
Job interviews Quora

Job interviews Quora

Quora is a popular question and answer website that contains many quality answers.
By entering specific keywords, we can get hundreds or even thousands of lively discussion. Just look at the picture, there is even a question which received 800 answers and the 9000 vote.
Using a popular topic in Quora, you will create popular content as well.
Ease back, these answers you can use as inspiration the content.7. Do your research next to your content
Quality content that:

Requires careful planning
The contents are not superficial
Having a trustworthy reference
etc. (we focus first to 3 points above)
Will earn good ratings
I guarantee that the content is really quality will eventually get good ratings after going through the process of proper promotion.
But to make such content is not easy.
It is easier to make 5 regular content in one day instead of creating quality content in 2 days ... seriously.
Therefore we can do now is to do research.

If you do not already have an idea of ​​content, try opening the page is then read in point # 7.
Furthermore, to conduct research, perform these steps:

Find other content on Google with your topic
Search again on Google with English (although your content in Indonesian language)
Open community sites like Quora, Reddit, Kaskus, find the discussion interesting in your topics
Find videos with your topic on YouTube
Record all links are good contents, record all the important points. Use Excel or Google Sheets
Once satisfied, read this guide KTP method for the manufacturing process.8. Install outbound links within content as reference
The use of links to other websites as a reference not only to decorate our content.
But it also affects how Google views your website.
The logic is like this:

Content that link to a trusted website means it can also be trusted
Link to other websites that are relevant means to tell Google that the topic we are content with them
Readers happy, search engines also pleased
Unfortunately there are often rumors circulating that outbound links it gives a bad impact on us.
That assumption is wrong.
Even within Google's own, John Mueller, stated that the outbound link is a positive ranking factor. Read this article on the impact of outbound links.9. Prevent Pogosticking effect on your website
Imagine you are looking for specific info from Google, then we go to a website whose content is not nice at all. What would you do?
Directly press the back button or close the browser tab, right?
That effect Pogosticking.

Basically, Google wants their users satisfied with the results displayed.
So if users are not satisfied (back / close a tab), then the website will be lowered periengkatnya.
Even a writer in Moz declares that this satisfaction factor is the number 1, higher than other factors that affect your rankings.
So how to avoid the effects of this Pogosticking?
Actually some way already described above, such as:

Improve the quality of your article, when the reader has to stay on your website for a few minutes then pogostick effects are no longer influential.
Put a link to another page in our content.
Put a link to another website. Mending they go to other websites rather than return to Google.
Increase your website speed. If the loading too long, visitors will soon go before the finish.
Reduce distractions like popups and ads.
If you are just after a backlink regardless of visitor satisfaction, although managed to rise, eventually your rankings will fall by itself.
Hence, do not ignore this effect.10. Change the content into a document (PDF or Doc), infographics, videos, and presentations
YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google.
Not Bing, not Yahoo ... but YouTube.
By changing the content into another form, you will not only get backlinks but also traffic.
After changing content into other forms, submit to multiple sites such as:

YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion for video
Scribd, Google Docs to PDF
These sites for infographics
SlideShare presentation
Changing the content is not too difficult unless you want a truly professional.10a. Changing the content into the document
The easiest way to make your content as a document that is with Google Docs.
So that no duplication, you need to rewrite your content in different words.
Sign into Google Drive, then create a new document file.

Dokumen baru
Copy all the content has been rewritten and then paste it in Google Docs. Then click File> Download as ...> PDF (or .docx can) ..

Download PDF
Then click File> Publish to the web ... so that your documents can be indexed in Google.

Finally, upload the PDF to Scribd earlier.
10b. Transform content into presentation

Simplify the article into the finer points, then use Google Slides to make a presentation.

Similar steps by making the above documents, only we use Google Slides this time.

After it was uploaded on SlideShare.
10c. Transform content into video

Actually you can change the earlier presentation file directly into a video format with Microsoft PowerPoint. Through the Export menu> Create a video.

PPT to Video
For a tutorial article that can be explained by computer, using free software called Jing to record your computer screen into a video.
Once done, upload it to YouTube and other video sites. Use a good title and description for the video you could get high rankings in the search engines.
Do not forget to include a link to your original content in three forms earlier.11. Create new articles to these sites
There are a few places and my favorite method to reach others armed with the article:

Medium (English)
Guest blogging
Just like the number 9 above, with this method you will not only get backlinks but also traffic.
If your article on that site becomes popular, you will get traffic constantly. Even now there are still traffic that I get every day from Kompasiana and Kaskus.
But remember. So that the positive impact of your article, you have to make quality.
Just send the article alone will not provide any effect. It could even be your article will not be indexed because terutup article from others.
Therefore make a good article so much commenting and sharing to social media.
Regarding the guest blog, read this guide to link building. There is more detailed explanation.12. Locate and contact the influencers
Still remember in the beginning I said before proactive?
This is when you are active in a relationship with another person, namely the influencers in your niche.
In this stage, our ultimate goal is that they promote us. But this time we will only begin to touch.
For those of you who have never done before approach might consider our efforts will be in vain.
But for those who have ever been, addicted.
With a relationship you can also directly participate popular.
Before starting, I give the rules / warning first:

They have their own busy life, cherish their time
Do not approach by directly asking for help
Provide benefits and reasons for them to be friends with you

For a tutorial article that can be explained by computer, using free software called Jing to record your computer screen into a video.
Once done, upload it to YouTube and other video sites. Use a good title and description for the video you could get high rankings in the search engines.
Do not forget to include a link to your original content in three forms earlier.11. Create new articles to these sites
There are a few places and my favorite method to reach others armed with the article:

Medium (English)
Guest blogging
Just like the number 9 above, with this method you will not only get backlinks but also traffic.
If your article on that site becomes popular, you will get traffic constantly. Even now there are still traffic that I get every day from Kompasiana and Kaskus.
But remember. So that the positive impact of your article, you have to make quality.
Just send the article alone will not provide any effect. It could even be your article will not be indexed because terutup article from others.
Therefore make a good article so much commenting and sharing to social media.
Regarding the guest blog, read this guide to link building. There is more detailed explanation.12. Locate and contact the influencers
Still remember in the beginning I said before proactive?
This is when you are active in a relationship with another person, namely the influencers in your niche.
In this stage, our ultimate goal is that they promote us. But this time we will only begin to touch.
For those of you who have never done before approach might consider our efforts will be in vain.
But for those who have ever been, addicted.
With a relationship you can also directly participate popular.
Before starting, I give the rules / warning first:

They have their own busy life, cherish their time
Do not approach by directly asking for help
Provide benefits and reasons for them to be friends with you
In the real world we can not even get a friend if we just bother them every day. Forged relationships should be mutually beneficial.

So what can we give?
For example, by promoting their product or website, or put a link to their website in one of our related content.
After understanding the above rules, it's time we look for them.Look for
The best place to find them is from their own website or on Twitter.
First, do a search in Google with the keywords: "[niche] + blog". Find his niche bloggers together with you, they are the influencers.
If your niche in English (eg "travel blogger") to add the location as the above format with big cities in Indonesia.
After that follow all the entry criteria.Start dealing
Like the earlier rules, do not jump suddenly ask for help.
If you are asked for assistance by unknown persons, "ask for a free promotion dong mas!", What is your reaction?
Ignore 90%, 10% longer angry.
The easiest thing you can do is retweet, reply, or comment whenever there is a new post on his blog.
But this alone may not be enough.
Based on my experience, the most effective way is to do this:

Create an article that is very, very qualified
Make the website of the influencer you as a reference
Further contact them via email or Twitter.
The next steps regarding this technique in the guide promotional content.13. Participate in the community, becoming influencers
After contacting the influencers, you can also become an influencer yourself.
How to join a community site to build a reputation.
Be the website communities often help others solve problems. Do it in the long run and people will get to know you.
Watch out, do not just ride promotion. Precisely the negative reputation that will awaken.
You who must provide benefits before receiving benefits.
Same as number 12.
Well, when a reputation has been built. People will gladly promote your property may even without being asked.
As performed by Mas Syakirurohman in the article on blogging sites to learn this. (Though I were asked πŸ˜›)
Even if the average member of the community does not have a website, they will become loyal audience who will subscribe to and promote your content in social media.
A step in the article continued promotion guide this content.14. Turn on your social networking account
I use the word "turn" because you have to live.
That is not using a tool that automatically sends RSS like Twitterfeed.
There are many benefits that you can get by active in social media.
First. Link's popular social media will increase your ranking in Google.
Based on experiments conducted by this Moz, social sharing will speed up the process of indexing and nofollow links will improve rankings.
Second. Google worked with Twitter, this time Google is able to read the authority of an account and tweet.
It means your website will probably get positive SEO benefits of tweet-tweet that became popular on Twitter. (Although there is no confirmation from both parties)
Third. Social media is a huge source of traffic.
Sumber traffic PIM
For websites that managed to build a reputation in social media, they will get a lot of visitors from there.
Fourth. Google+ will affect the search results personalized (private results).
That is, if I give a +1 to page A. It will affect the search results people to follow me on Google+.
A page will get high rankings for keywords that are relevant to people earlier.
Fifth. Finally, social media is the best place to build your reputation and relationships with influencers.Done! What next?
White hat SEO is not just about on-page optimization.
But also a marketing and business relationship.
Previously, you might be one of three types of these:

Do not know what should be done about SEO
Has the principle of "quality content alone is enough"
Still in love with a black hat techniques
For type 3, do not need to be pessimistic about the white hat. This technique is much more powerful than the black hat.
And above all: 100% safe.
Type 1 & 2, your website will not be successful if you do not actively perform optimization and marketing.
Therefore stop the habit of writing-publish-write-publish.
Some of the above techniques require further clarification, as it should after this you continue to read some of the following guidelines:

Link building
On-page SEO and off-page SEO
KTP method and make the title of the article
Promoting content

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